Discover Your Spirit Guides

Do you know you have a team of beings whose very purpose is to see that you live your life fully and true to your soul’s purpose?

Have you ever wondered who your Spirit Guides are? Your team of Spirit Guides are working constantly to see you fulfill your true potential in this life and fulfill the purpose for which you incarnated on earth.

This team of beings are here to assist you in every moment, especially when times are hard. They consist of a variety of beings, from animal spirits, to ancestors, to angels, to ascended masters. These guides lovingly and with great care watch over every aspect of your life…from the most mundane matters to the most spiritual aspects of life. These beings will bring you comfort and peace and direct and clear “higher guidance” as to what are the best actions to take in your life. Let us join you on a journey to discern who your very own unique Spirit Guides are and how you can tune in to and listen to them.

Michael has been helping people this way for twenty five years now, and Robin has very clear access to your angels and guides. Between the two of them, they can come up with a very complete picture of your guides and help you find your own ways of communicating with them. Click on the box below and we can schedule a free fifteen minute consult to let you know how we can help you discover your unique Spirit Guides. This can be done in person with healing hands session or over the phone or Skype at your convenience.